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Version: 3.9.0-beta.40 (Latest)

Hanging Protocol Service


This service handles the arrangement of the images in the viewport. In short, the registered protocols will get matched with the DisplaySets that are available. Each protocol gets a score, and they are ranked. The winning protocol (highest score) gets applied and its settings run for the viewports to be arranged.

You can read more about a HangingProtocol Structure and its properties in the HangingProtocol Module.

The rest of this page is dedicated on how the Hanging Protocol Service works and what you can do with it.


Protocols are provided by each extension's HangingProtocolModule and are registered automatically to the HangingProtocolService.

All protocols are stored in the HangingProtocolService using their id as the key, and the protocol itself as the value.

Protocol Definition​

Protocols are defined in a getHangingProtocolModule inside an extension. As such, they are defined with a module structure that starts with an id, and has field protocol that is the actual protocol definition. This setup allows defining more than one protocol within a module, each one needing it's own definition file.

import MyProtocol from './MyProtocol';
export default function getHangingProtocolModule() {
return [
protocol: MyProtocol,

Within the protocol itself, the structure is laid out as described in the HangingProtocol.ts type definition, starting with Protocol. See the type definition for more details.


There are two events that get publish in HangingProtocolService:

NEW_LAYOUTFires when a new layout is requested by the HangingProtocolService
PROTOCOL_CHANGEDFires when the the protocol is changed in the hanging protocols, or when the applied stage is changed.
RESTORE_PROTOCOLFires when the protocol or stage is restored, for example, after turning off MPR mode
STAGE_ACTIVATIONFires when the stages are known to have stage.status set.

Stage Activation and Status​

Sometimes a hanging protocol can be applicable generally, but not all stages should be shown by default, or should be shown at all. This can be handled by using the stage activation to control whether the stage is shown by default (enabled), whether it can be navigated to (passive) or whether it should not be shown at all (disabled).

The stage.status is used to control this, and the status is controlled by the stage activate. The status values are:

  • enabled - meaning that the stage is fully applicable
  • passive - meaning that the stage can be applied, but might be missing details
  • disabled - meaning that the study has insufficient information for this stage

The default values for no stageActivation are to assume that enabled has minViewports of 1, and passive has minViewports=0. That is, enable the stage if at least one viewport is filled, and make it passive if no viewports are filled.

The setting for these are controlled by the stageActivation property, for example the following:

stageActivation: {
// The enabled activation specifies requirements to enable the stage, that is,
// make it preferred.
enabled: {
// The default value here is 1, and indicates how many non-blank viewports
// are required.
minViewportsMatched: 3,
// This enables specifying cross cutting concerns, such as having a stage
// only apply to males or females, and is a list of display set selector ids
displaySetSelectorsMatched: ['dsMale'],
// The passive check is performed first. If it fails, the enabled is NOT
// checked, but the status set to disabled. The default passive check
// should always be passed, so it is fine to just define enabled if desired.
passive: {
// The default is 0, which means allow the stage even if no viewports are
// filled. This allows dragging and dropping into the viewports to
// make matches manually, which can then be re-used for other stages.
minViewportsMatched: 0,
displaySetSelectorsMatched: [...],


  • destroy: Destroys the HP service

  • reset and onModeEnter: Resets the HP service to not have any active hanging protocols

  • getActiveProtocol: Returns an object of the internal state of the HP service, useful for storing said state, as well as for getting direct access to the protocol and stage objects. Users of this should count on it being not completely stable as to exactly what this returns, as internal details can change.

  • getState: Returns the currently applied protocol ID, stage index and active study UID. This information is storable/usable as state information to be used elsewhere.

  • getDefaultProtocol: Returns the default protocol to apply.

  • getMatchDetails: returns an object which contains the details of the matching for the viewports, displaySets and whether the protocol is applied to the viewport or not yet. This is deprecated as it is expected to be communicated by events instead.

  • getProtocols: Returns a list of the currently active protocols.

  • getProtocolById: Gets the protocol with the given id.

  • addProtocol: adds provided protocol to the list of registered protocols for matching. Will replacing any protocol with the same id, allowing, for example, to replace the default protocol.

  • setActiveProtocols: Choose the protocols which are active. Can take a single protocol id or a list. When a single one is provided, that one will be applied whether or not the required rules match. Called automatically on mode init.

  • setActiveStudyUID: Sets the given study UID as active, which has significance in terms of the matching rules being able to match against the active study.

  • run({studies, activeStudy, displaySets }, protocolId): runs the HPService with the provided studyMetaData and optional protocolId. If protocol is not given, HP Matching engine will search all the registered protocols for the best matching one based on the constraints.

  • registerImageLoadStrategy: Adds a custom image load strategy.

  • addCustomAttribute: adding a custom attribute for matching. (see below)

  • setProtocol: applies a protocol to the current studies, it can be used for instance to apply a hanging protocol when pressing a button in the toolbar. We use this for applying 'mpr' hanging protocol when pressing the MPR button in the toolbar. setProtocol will accept a set of options that can be used to define the displaySets that will be used for the protocol. If no options are provided, all displaySets will be used to match the protocol.

  • getStageIndex: Finds the stage index for a given set of match keys. Currently only works on the currently active protocol, but is supposed to be able to work with other protocols as well.

  • getMissingViewport: Returns a viewport object to be used as the missing viewport instance. This is used to fill out new viewports.

Default initialization of the modes handles running the HangingProtocolService

Hanging Protocol Instance Definition​

A hanging protocol has an id provided in the module which is used to identify the protocol. Mostly these should include the module name so that they do not overlap, with the suggested id being ${moduleId}.${simpleName}. The 'default' name is used as the hanging protocol id when no other protocol applies, and can be set as the last module listed containing 'default'.

A hanging protocol can also be defined with a generator. A generator is a function we can write this way:

function protocolGenerator({ servicesManager, commandsManager }) {
// Some computations using services and commands ...

return {
protocol: generatedProtocol

See the typescript definitions for more details on the structure of protocols.

Additional viewports for layout - defaultViewport​

Sometimes the user manually selects a layout of a given size, say 2x3. The hanging protocol can define what viewport options to use for this viewport by defining an extra viewport option in defaultViewport. For example:

  defaultViewport: {
viewportOptions: {
viewportType: 'stack',
toolGroupId: 'default',
allowUnmatchedView: true,
displaySets: [
id: 'defaultDisplaySetId',
matchedDisplaySetsIndex: -1,

This allows defining the type of additional viewports, what tool group etc they are allowed in, and which display set is used to fill them. In the above case, the display set is the same as the other viewports, but the matchedDisplaySetsIndex=-1, so that means find the next matching display set from the display set selector which isn't already filling a view.

Custom Attribute​

In some situations, you might want to match based on a custom attribute and not the DICOM tags. For instance, if you have assigned a timepointId to each study, and you want to match based on it. Good news is that, in OHIF-v3 you can define you custom attribute and use it for matching.

There are various ways that you can let HangingProtocolService know of you custom attribute. We will show how to add it inside the mode configuration.

const defaultProtocol = {
id: 'defaultProtocol',
/** ... **/
protocolMatchingRules: [
weight: 3,
attribute: 'timepoint',
constraint: {
equals: 'first',
required: false,
displaySetSelectors: {
/** ... */
stages: [
/** ... **/
numberOfPriorsReferenced: -1,

// Custom function for custom attribute
const getTimePointUID = metaData => {
// requesting the timePoint Id
return myBackEndAPI(metaData);

function modeFactory() {
return {
id: 'myMode',
/** .. **/
routes: [
path: 'myModeRoute',
init: async ({}) => {
const {
} =;

const onSeriesAdded = ({
madeInClient = false,
}) => {
const studyMetadata = DicomMetadataStore.getStudy(StudyInstanceUID);

// Adding custom attribute to the hangingprotocol
metaData => getFirstMeasurementSeriesInstanceUID(metaData)

/** ... **/

Custom Attributes for Viewport Options​

The custom attributes can also be used for viewport options. This example, from the default hanging protocol navigates the image to the image specified in the URL:

viewportOptions: {
initialImageOptions: {
// custom attribute name is selected by 'custom'
custom: 'sopInstanceLocation',
// This is the value returned if the above doesn't return anything
defaultValue: { index: 5 },

Included Custom Attributes​

A few custom attributes are included under @ohif/extension-test, these are namely: sameAs maxNumImageFrames *numberOfDisplaySets

To use these included custom attributes, the extension will need to be enabled under platform/app/pluginConfig.json:

"extensions": [
"packageName": "@ohif/extension-test",
"version": "3.4.0"

Furthermore, the extension will also need to be included under extensionDependencies in the desired mode (e.g. modes/tmtv/src/index.js):

const extensionDependencies = {
'@ohif/extension-default': '^3.0.0',
'@ohif/extension-cornerstone': '^3.0.0',
'@ohif/extension-tmtv': '^3.0.0',
'@ohif/extension-test': '^0.0.1',

The below example modifies the included hanging protocol (extensions/tmtv/src/getHangingProtocolModule.js) and uses the sameAs attribute included in the @ohif/extension-test extension to check that the selected PT has the same frame of reference as the CT:

ptDisplaySet: {
seriesMatchingRules: [
attribute: 'sameAs',
sameAttribute: 'FrameOfReferenceUID',
sameDisplaySetId: 'ctDisplaySet',
constraint: {
equals: {
value: true,
required: true,