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Version: 3.9.0-beta.40 (Latest)

Module: Commands


CommandsModule includes list of arbitrary functions. These may activate tools, communicate with a server, open a modal, etc. The significant difference between OHIF-v3 and OHIF-v2 is that in v3 a mode defines its toolbar, and which commands each tool call is inside in its toolDefinition

An extension can register a Commands Module by defining a getCommandsModule method. The Commands Module allows us to register one or more commands scoped to specific contexts. Commands have several unique characteristics that make them tremendously powerful:

  • Multiple implementations for the same command can be defined
  • Only the correct command's implementation will be run, dependent on the application's "context"
  • Commands are used by hotkeys, toolbar buttons and render settings

Here is a simple example commands module:

const getCommandsModule = () => ({
definitions: {
exampleActionDef: {
commandFn: ({ param1 }) => {
console.log(`param1's value is: ${param1}`);
// storeContexts: ['viewports'],
options: { param1: 'param1' },
context: 'VIEWER', // optional

Each definition returned by the Commands Module is registered to the ExtensionManager's CommandsManager.

storeContexts has been removed in OHIF-v3 and now modules have access to all commands and services. This change enables support for user-registered services.

Command Definitions​

The command definition consists of a named command (exampleActionDef below) and a commandFn. The command name is used to call the command, and the commandFn is the "command" that is actioned.

exampleActionDef: {
commandFn: ({ param1, options }) => { },
options: { param1: 'measurement' },
context: 'DEFAULT',
commandFnfuncThe function to call when command is run. Receives options and storeContexts.
optionsobject(optional) Arguments to pass at the time of calling to the commandFn
contextstring[] or string(optional) Overrides the defaultContext. Let's us know if command is currently "available" to be run.

Command Behavior​

If there are multiple valid commands for the application's active contexts

  • What happens: all commands are run
  • When to use: A clearData command that cleans up state for multiple extensions

If no commands are valid for the application's active contexts

  • What happens: a warning is printed to the console
  • When to use: a hotkey (like "invert") that doesn't make sense for the current viewport (PDF or HTML)

CommandsManager Public API​

If you would like to run a command in the consuming app or an extension, you can use CommandsManager.runCommand(commandName, options = {}, contextName)

// Returns all commands for a given context

// Run a command, it will run all the `speak` commands in all contexts
commandsManager.runCommand('speak', { command: 'hello' });

// Run command, from Default context
commandsManager.runCommand('speak', { command: 'hello' }, ['DEFAULT']);

The ExtensionManager handles registering commands and creating contexts, so most consumer's won't need these methods. If you find yourself using these, ask yourself "why can't I register these commands via an extension?"

// Used by the `ExtensionManager` to register new commands
commandsManager.registerCommand('context', 'name', commandDefinition);

// Creates a new context; clears the context if it already exists


It is up to the consuming application to define what contexts are possible, and which ones are currently active. As extensions depend heavily on these, we will likely publish guidance around creating contexts, and ways to override extension defined contexts in the near future. If you would like to discuss potential changes to how contexts work, please don't hesitate to create a new GitHub issue.

Some additional information on Contexts can be found here.