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Version: 3.9.0-beta.40 (Latest)

Module: Data Source


We have built couple of methods for fetching and mapping data into OHIF’s native format, which we call DataSources, and have provided one implementation of this standard.

You can make another datasource implementation which communicates to your backend and maps to OHIF’s native format, then use any existing mode on your platform. Your data doesn’t even need to be DICOM if you can map some proprietary data to the correct format.

The DataSource is also a place to add easy helper methods that platform-specific extensions can call in order to interact with the backend, meaning proprietary data interactions can be wrapped in extensions.

const getDataSourcesModule = () => [
name: 'exampleDataSource',
type: 'webApi', // 'webApi' | 'local' | 'other'
createDataSource: dataSourceConfig => {
return IWebApiDataSource.create(/* */);

Default extension provides two main data sources that are commonly used: dicomweb and dicomjson

import { createDicomWebApi } from './DicomWebDataSource/index.js';
import { createDicomJSONApi } from './DicomJSONDataSource/index.js';

function getDataSourcesModule() {
return [
name: 'dicomweb',
type: 'webApi',
createDataSource: createDicomWebApi,
name: 'dicomjson',
type: 'jsonApi',
createDataSource: createDicomJSONApi,

Custom DataSource​

You can add your custom datasource by creating the implementation using IWebApiDataSource.create from @ohif/core. This factory function creates a new "Web API" data source that fetches data over HTTP.

function create({
}) {
/* */

You can take a look at dicomweb data source implementation to get an idea extensions/default/src/DicomWebDataSource/index.js but here here are some important api endpoints that you need to implement:

  • initialize: This method is called when the data source is first created in the mode.tsx, it is used to initialize the data source and set the configuration. For instance, dicomwebDatasource uses this method to grab the StudyInstanceUID from the URL and set it as the active study, as opposed to dicomJSONDatasource which uses url in the browser to fetch the data and store it in a cache
  • This is used in the study panel on the left to fetch the prior studies for the same MRN which is then used to display on the All tab. it is also used in the Worklist to show all the studies from the server.
  • This is used to fetch the series information for a given study that is expanded in the Worklist.
  • retrieve.bulkDataURI: used to render RTSTUCTURESET in the viewport.
  • retrieve.series.metadata: It is a crucial end point that is used to fetch series level metadata which for hanging displaySets and displaySet creation.
  • store.dicom: If you don't need store functionality, you can skip this method. This is used to store the data in the backend.

Static WADO Client​

If the configuration for the data source has the value staticWado set, then it is assumed that queries for the studies return a super-set of the studies, as it is assumed to be returning a static list. The StaticWadoClient performs the search functionality manually, by interpreting the query parameters and then applying them to the returned response. This functionality may be useful for other types of DICOMweb back ends, where they are capable of performing queries, but don't allow for querying certain types of fields. However, that only works as long as the size of the studies list isn't too large that client side selection isn't too expensive.


In OHIF-v3 we have a central location for the metadata of studies, and they are located in DicomMetadataStore. Your custom datasource can communicate with DicomMetadataStore to store, and fetch Study/Series/Instance metadata. We will learn more about DicomMetadataStore in services.

Adding a Data Source Outside a Module​

A data source can be added outside a module via ExtensionManager.addDataSource. The following snippet of code demonstrates how addDataSource can be used to add a new DICOMWeb data source for the Google Cloud Healthcare API and set it as the active data source.

namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.dicomweb',
sourceName: 'google',
configuration: {
friendlyName: 'dcmjs DICOMWeb Server',
name: 'GCP',
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: 'wadors',
thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
supportsFuzzyMatching: true,
supportsWildcard: false,
dicomUploadEnabled: true,
omitQuotationForMultipartRequest: true,

Updating a Data Source's Configuration​

An existing data source can have its configuration updated using the ExtensionManager.updateDataSourceConfiguration method. The following snippet of code demonstrates how updateDataSourceConfiguration can be use to update the configuration of an existing DICOMWeb data source (named dicomweb) with the configuration for a Google Cloud Healthcare API data source.

extensionManager.updateDataSourceConfiguration( "dicomweb",
name: 'GCP',
qidoSupportsIncludeField: true,
imageRendering: 'wadors',
thumbnailRendering: 'wadors',
enableStudyLazyLoad: true,
supportsFuzzyMatching: true,
supportsWildcard: false,
dicomUploadEnabled: true,
omitQuotationForMultipartRequest: true,

Merge Data Source​

The built-in merge data source is a useful tool for combining results from multiple data sources. Currently, this data source only supports merging at the series level. This means that series from data source 'A' and series from data source 'B' will be retrieved under the same study. If the same series exists in both data sources, the first series arrived is the one that gets stored, and any other conflicting series will be ignored.

The merge data source is particularly useful when dealing with derived data that is generated and stored in different servers. For example, it can be used to retrieve annotation series from one data source and input data (images) from another data source.

A default data source can be defined as shown below. This allows defining which of the servers should be the fallback server in case something goes wrong.

Configuration Example:

window.config = {
dataSources: [
sourceName: 'merge',
namespace: '@ohif/extension-default.dataSourcesModule.merge',
configuration: {
name: 'merge',
friendlyName: 'Merge dicomweb-1 and dicomweb-2 data at the series level',
seriesMerge: {
dataSourceNames: ['dicomweb-1', 'dicomweb-2'],
defaultDataSourceName: 'dicomweb-1'
sourceName: 'dicomweb-1',
sourceName: 'dicomweb-2',